Comfort Objects
By Uninspired by Current Events (Saratta Chuengsatiansup)
It might not have come as a surprise that the younger generations are no longer seeking to chase their dreams due to the instability and uncertainties in the current era. Rather, they would pursue euthanasia or ephemeral euphoria, only to let go of these empty securities since the present world as it is might not be the ideal nor inspiring place to live. Similarly, after over 400 days of observing and reflecting on everyday occurrences through 3D generated images, ‘Uninspired by Current Events’ (Saratta Chuengsatiansup) summarises his mental state under this eventful yet uninspiring society with the solo exhibition ‘Comfort Objects’ at Gallery VER Project Room.
Small chicks not knowing their futures scattered around a dimly lit room might reflect our mentality in this time of collapsing stability. Since they are considered merely a unit within a bigger economic system, they might be thrown into slaughter machines, sent to butchers, or forced into laying eggs once they have matured. And yet, in this dim light, they wait to be fed. A life of constant waiting, crying, and chirping only to be comforted. Unlike tiny chicks cooped up in a dark cage whose only navigation given is food, we have the capability to choose our own distractions. Nonetheless, as we are constantly hungry no matter how much we eat, distraction can only derange our attention for a fleeting time.
Navigating as a unit in this aimless system, maybe we are only searching for any means of relief to escape the agony of our daily lives. We all share different forms of diversion that could create a sense of comfort, hope, or somewhere to look forward to the future. Saratta’s baby chicks are possibly the desperate cries for hope in this hopeless time.
2198/10-11 ซ.นราธิวาส 22(สาธุประดิษฐ์ 15) แขวงช่องนนทรี เขตบางคอแหลม Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok, 10120 Thailand