KOPET 2020 Zipevent

KOPET 2020

4 - 6 Sep 2020
00:00 - 00:00 (UTC+7)
aT Center

Event Information

KOPET 2020

วันที่ 4 - 6 กันยายน 2563 ณ aT Center

     KOPET is the only one pet exhibition which is combined B2C and B2B exhibition in Korea. KOPET has the LONGEST tradition since 1999 and KOPET has known for must-go exhibition in Korea pet industry. KOPET have the HIGHEST visitor’s satisfaction. KOPET is held near Gangnam or Guangkyo which are known for the HIGHEST PURCHASING POWER in Korea. The only one pet exhibition provides 1:1 BUSINESS MEETING SERVICE for overseas exhibitors.

Location Details

aT Center


27, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (Yangjae-dong aT Center) (Postal Code 06774)