Supawich Weesapen Art Exhibition
Nova Contemporary is pleased to present our presentation of selected works by Supawich Weesapen at Liste Showtime 2021 ( and a physical exhibition of Supawich Weesapen at Nova Contemporary from 20 September - 9 October 2021.
Supawich Weesapen lives and works in Thailand. He is interested in the connection between human senses and the occurrence that creates subjective perception. His work visually explores various realities of phenomena through the medium of painting. Inspired by the transient, temporality, and pluralism in light and nature, Weesapen often creates elusive hallucinated phenomena in his paintings. With photographic precision in video-gamefic colours, the exaggerated form and peculiar juxtaposition in his work are the agency that he can explore the system of nature, rather than the system that he currently lives in and deals with. Weesapen’s work reflects the resistance and anarchistic thought of the younger generation towards the existing socio-political structure and situation.