Activity & Performance Market started out in 2013 by selection of DIY & Indie Music - Art - Craft - Decor - Design - Fashion - Film - Printing - Writing - Book and Food.
The upcoming Noise Market 6th come with precycling concept, We'd like to ask everybody think before produce and consume! Let's join us!!
Please read this comic web to join Noise Market 6
where to meet and support indie art, craft, design, music, book, films,... Friendly atmosphere, where children can run, family can sit back, artist can draw, reader can think, musician can rock, experimentalist can test, tourist can shopping, blah blah blah... It sound noisy but not annoying actually enjoyable!
Happen at museum siam, every year on mid november,
Noise Market 1, 9-10 Nov 2013
Noise Market 2, 10-11 May 2014
Noise Market 3, 8-9 Nov, 2014
Noise Market 4, 14-15 Feb, 2015
Noise Market 5, 21-22 Nov, 2015
organised by Panda Records and Museum Siam's crew